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Temporary Roof Shrink Wrap

Shrink Wrap structures serve well as a temporary roofing solution during the refurbishment process, but there are a few things that need to be considered before starting the project.

When constructing scaffolding for the roof it should allow for a decent run off for rainwater. The minimum pitch on the roof should be 10% and no more than 20%.

For medium to large size temporary roofs, there is a greater amount of additional scaffolding that we need to ensure a safe install.

The general rule of thumb is a double handrail with a three board-wide run around the perimeter. This first step enables our installers to clip on to the handrail and move around safely and to position the shrink wrap rolls ready to roll out over the span of the roof itself.

We would also require a run of two or three boards at every 1.5m centers running adjacent with your beam-work. These essentially become our walkways so we can move around the whole perimeter and around on the roof with ease.

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